River Herring Need Your Help (and it’s easy!)

by | Mar 20, 2017 | Alewife Fishing

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028 (1)For all those interested in volunteering for our upcoming herring counts, the trainings for new volunteers (or those who would like a refresher course) are as follows:

Warwick- Buckeye Brook:

Thursday, March 23th, 5PM-6PM

Saturday, March 25th, 10AM-11AM

Training Site: Near the Northwest corner of the Knights of Columbus parking lot, 475 Sandy Lane, Warwick

Wakefield-Main Street:

Saturday, March 25th, 2 PM – 3 PM

Tuesday, March 28th, 5PM-6PM

Training Site: At the fish ladder next door to Paul Masse Chevrolet South, 399 Main Street, WakefieldIMG_5209

East Providence – Hunts Mill

Sunday, March 26th, 10 AM- 12 Noon

Training Site: At the fish ladder at Hunts Mill next to the East Providence Historical Society, 65 Hunts Mills Rd, Rumford

 North Kingstown – Forge Road

Saturday, March 25th, 12 PM – 1 PM

Training Site: Bridge on Forge Road over the Potowomut River.IMG_5120

Google Map of Herring Survey Sites:




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