The Fish Wrap Writer

For twenty years, Todd Corayer has been wrapping words around fish and fishers. He  offers fishing, hunting, and outdoor reports, legislative updates and interviews with amazing and passionate outdoorsmen and women from all over the United States. Do you know someone who loves the outdoors? We would love to meet them and share their story.

Fish Wrap Reviews Tony Jones’ “The God of Wild Places”

Tony Jones' The God of Wild Places brings you to woods or waters, where a baptism awaits or even a sighting of God waiting to embrace you. Mr. Jones offers us his journey, often not so different from ours, of a scrammbled life reborn in light shining through alder thickets and opportunistic aspen. Join Mr. Jones as he takes us through the realities of being perfectly human.

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Accurate Fishing Reports • Truthful-ish Fish Stories • The Occasional Lie

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A weekly fishing article is published eight Southern Rhode Island Newspapers and other regional publications. Click to read or search the articles.


See what bait shops and organizations the Fish Wrap Writer supports here in New England, and what gear he knows will help catch fish or stay safe. Some items may surprise you.

New this week on the Blog

Fish Wrap Reviews Tony Jones’ “The God of Wild Places”

Tony Jones' The God of Wild Places brings you to woods or waters, where a baptism awaits or even a sighting of God waiting to embrace you. Mr. Jones offers us his journey, often not so different from ours, of a scrammbled life reborn in light shining through alder thickets and opportunistic aspen. Join Mr. Jones as he takes us through the realities of being perfectly human.

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Fish Wrap Reviews Tony Jones' "The God of Wild Places"

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RITU Restoring Breakheart Pond Connectivity
RITU Restoring Breakheart Pond Connectivity

RITU Restoring Breakheart Pond Connectivity

RI's Trout Unlimited chapter has announced a grant to restore connectivity to Arcadia's Breakheart Pond as a legacy conservation project. Brook trout, turtles, eels have been denied safe passage for more than 90 years to cool waters and thermal refuge. This is a banner day for conservation and a clear example of Trout Unlimited's mission to protect and preserve cold water fishes. Read the details right here.

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Tommorow's Fish Need Help Today
Tomorrow’s Fish Need Help Today

Tomorrow’s Fish Need Help Today

Daniel Ritz has crated a timely report about fish, water and our climate. At the end, Tommorow's Fish Need Help Today needs you to step up. Meet three anglers who are seeing changes in real time, telling everyone around them and asking for your help. Daniel Ritz has crated a timely report about fish, water and our climate. For Tomorrow’s Fish: Anglers Are Key to Climate-Ready Fisheries is a call to action with data, observations and an ask, for anglers to help turn the tide of climate change.

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  Meet Todd Corayer

Celebrating life on the water, pen in hand

Todd Corayer has lived in Rhode Island most of his life and has spent much of that time working, fishing, exploring and writing about its 400-mile coastline. Todd takes just as much pride in protecting the waterways through conservation and advocacy groups, as he does writing about and highlighting so many great outdoorsmen and women. When he’s not fishing or writing about fishing, he’s hanging at home with the family while  plotting his next fishing adventure in Maine. Click to learn more about Todd’s writing history, where you can find his articles and the name of his favorite being, outside of his wife and son.

The Fish Wrap Writer, Todd Corayer

The Fish Wrap Writer Top Picks

Curious where the Fish Wrap Writer shops for tackle? What gear he never leaves home without? Volunteers his time?  Or stays informed on what’s happening with public access and environmental advocacy? Check out the recommendations page for all of his top picks.

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