Krista Simpson & her Unquiet Professional

by | Sep 23, 2017 | Charity, skeet shooting

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Army SSG Michael H. Simpson

Army SSG Michael H. Simpson of C Company, 4th BN, 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne),

Krista Simpson Anderson is on a mission and she could use your help.

Krista’s family endured the ultimate sacrifice when her husband, Army SSG Michael H. Simpson of C Company, 4th BN, 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne), gave his life protecting our country. Serving in Operation Enduring Freedom, he was a young man, soldier and father of just thirty. Their two boys, Gabriel and Michael, were just children. The Simpson family, buoyed by love with faith and the generosity of community, turned on a dime, redirected their anguish and created The Unquiet Professional to support other Gold Star families. This month, you can help support her group with some target shooting and dinner.

On Saturday, September 30, the Peace Dale Shooting Preserve will host The Unquiet Professional Sporting Clay Shoot. Entry is just $60.00 for one hundred targets at 14 sponsored stations starting at 8:30a.m. All skill levels are not only welcome, they’re encouraged. The Preserve is very accommodating to those of us who aren’t necessarily great wing shooters, aren’t that familiar with the mechanics of shooting clays or haven’t even opened the gun safe in a while. This might be the perfect opportunity to be surrounded by supportive people and The Exeter Job Corps Academy will be on hand to help shooters navigate the course and stations. The goal is fundraising, awareness and support, after all.

The Unquiet Professional is a tribute to SSG Simpson and his Green Beret bothers. Often known as The Quiet Professionals because of their low profile and focus on duty not publicity, they share tremendous honor in having earned the title. SSG Simpson was dedicated to his service but also enjoyed letting people know he was  U.S. Army Special Forces, hence his nickname as the Unquiet Professional.

simpson funeral

Army SSG Michael H. Simpson is laid to his eternal rest.

It gets bigger every year,” Krista said, noting that this third year has tremendous local support and will hopefully raise even more awareness and money than in years past.

Local companies like South County’s iconic shore-side restaurant, Jim’s Dock, are sponsoring stations as is ArchAngel Brothers LLC, a professional consulting firm. All the way from St. Petersburg, Florida, the MCARBO company has also graciously sponsored a station. Founded by a Chris Nelson, a Green Beret who served with SSG Simpson, his company designs and manufactures American made competition parts and accessories for firearms. It’s a company owned and operated by veterans who understand how important this day is. 

Dave Levesque, owner of Brewed Awakenings is donating coffee and pastries to be served under his own tent, along with 20 gift certificates for the raffle. Narragansett’s Sunset Farms will roll in with their food truck for lunch, which means a full serving of farm raised meats, vegetables and pies. Thanks to companies like Wakefield’s Universal Firearms, there will be some firearm prizes to sweeten the deal. The shoot runs until 4:00p.m. which gives you plenty of time to change out of your shooting vest and into your party shirt.

Starting at 5:00p.m., Sons of Liberty Spirits Spirits Company will host a Bistro Night to continue the support. While you mingle with other supporters and talk about how well you shot, you can try their their Uprising American Single Malt Whiskey, sip some New England Bourbon, have a taste True Born Gin or try a flight of new beers. Last year, the distillery won a gold and a silver medal for Best American Single Malt at the International Whiskey Competition which just adds to a long list of awards since they began. Bob Leonard from The Coast Guard House said, “Yes’” before Krista could even finish asking about a donation because that’s how special The Unquiet Professional group is. Flood Ford has donated almost $1000.00 in gift certificates, Jennifer’s Chocolates, The Mews Tavern and Cool Beans Cafe have also generously donated food for the evening. Along with all those passed treats, there will be raffles, silent and live auctions. Tickets cost just $40.00, which includes a drink ticket and who doesn’t like a nice drink ticket?  


The Simpson brothers dressed in red, white and blue stripes, with a fine striped bass

Through his service, SSG Simpson earned the Army Commendation Medal with two oak leaf clusters, the Army Achievement Medal with three oak leaf clusters, the Good Conduct Medal with three oak leaf clusters, the National Defense Service Medal, the Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Terror Service Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon, Non-commissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon with numeral “2” device, Army Service Ribbon, Special Forces Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge, and the Parachutist Badge.

I’d say that kind of service and distinction deserves a few hours on a Saturday to support his foundation.

Both based in Peace Dale, The Preserve is located at 130 Pearls Way, Sons of Liberty at 1425 Kingstown Road.  If you’re interested in sponsoring a station, please contact Krista at



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