This week we’re all about pats on the back, hands behind the back and fishing some sweet backwaters.
Tom Adams with a fine false albacore
Congratulations first off to Tom Adams of the Ocean State Kayak Anglers Association who earned first place in the Why Knot Albie Shootout. Fishing was tough as a railroad spike apparently but Tom kept at it and took home a pile of prizes.
Ray Stachelek’s sport with a big albie
The albie bite has been hot then it was not then it was then Florence happened. Despite all that, Captains Ray Stachelek of Cast A Fly Charters and Rene Letourneau of On The Rocks Charters took a few California boys dreaming about stripers and albies on a three day tour. The sports worked hard for their fish but the captains knew where to find both and everyone steamed home smiling.
Fall in Rhode Island can be pure magic.
Jim Cassidy holds an albie landed with On The Rocks Charters
A huge tip of the camo hat to RIDEM Law Enforcement Officers Jeff Mercer and Anthony Esposito for surveilling and citing Warren fisherman Michael A. Saviano. Mr. Saviano was caught on the seventeenth with thirteen striped bass when he slipped into Pt. Judith.
That’s twelve fish over the legal daily limit (!) and not that it really matters in the face of such a gross crime against the fishery, no right pectoral fins were removed, a regulation designed to keep recreationally caught stripers over 34” from being sold.
- How about that? Photo courtesy of RIDEM
great read . never knew this existed .also had no clue of the tournament .this is the last place I fish before I either move to fish prov & east Prov . or as I age read more than fish . PS there are still some White Perch in N/R . not like many years past …..but no where is holding them like they use to thanks .
Thanks Mike, thanks for the kind words. I love catching those white perch, it’s one of the only fish I’ll keep a few of these days. Thanks for reading, Mike.