Joseph W. Tiexiera has passed.
It’s a two sided function of my age: people I know are passing away with an uncomfortable regularity that is only partially balanced by a rekindling of the memories I have from being with them. This past week, Joe Tex departed peacefully at age 84 after a life well lived for sure.
We met Joe a few years ago, on a sweet July morning when even though I arrived early and packed everything needed for a few hours of striper fishing, Joe started our first meeting with a long swipe of elevator eyes over me and my gear. I knew I was out-gunned and while that made me a little apprehensive at first, inside I was smiling.
Joe was a man of many talents and fishing certainly was one of them.
If you have a few minutes, please give this Fish Wrap story about Joe from a few years ago a read. I barely scratched the surface of this man’s life.
It’s just one day, but it was pure magic.
Thank you Joe.