River Herring at Rising Sun

by | Mar 21, 2017 | Alewife Fishing, Fresh Water Fishing

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RIDEM has one more herring count site at Providence’s Rising Sun Mills.


If you haven’t been there, it’s a real beauty of a refurbished mill whose owners have a sincere desire to help the Woonasquatucket River that flows through the backyard.

Where others threw shopping carts and rolled car batteries down a lazy hill into a sweet piece of river, Rising Mills has stepped up to bring it back.


Survey training  starts at 10:00 AM this Saturday.  John Hake, a volunteer with the Woonasquatucket River Watershed  Council, as well as with RIDEM, will be conducting the training.

The Woony (that’s them to the left) crowd busts their collective asses to restore waters and teach folks about just how damned important rivers are for us and fishes and turtles and minnow and frogs and…

Please contact Jennifer Brooks at  Jennifer.brooks@dem.ri.gov or at 401-789-0281


The Woony Crew with David Heanaut remove yet another tire from behind the Rising Sun Mill



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