Tiogue Lake added to trout stocking program

by | Apr 6, 2017 | Fresh Water Fishing, Trout Fishing

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The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) has announced that Lake Tiogue in Coventry will be stocked for Opening Day of trout season as a result of improved water levels in the lake. Bring on the rain!brianbrown5-10-16

Dexter Pond in Scituate will be stocked and open to anglers of all ages as per regulation; however, the Town of Scituate will not hold a kids derby at Dexter Pond this year. Dangit.


rainbows ride the flume into The Pawcatuck RIver

For Opening Day, trout will be released into more than 100 waterways.  Visit www.dem.ri.gov for a complete list of stocked waters.  For more information on Opening Day and trout stocking, call DEM’s Division of Fish & Wildlife at 789-0281.




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