Search Results For: Trout Fishing
The Meditative Fisherman

The Meditative Fisherman

Bryan Archer's "The Meditative Fisherman" is a fine book of fishing, travel, reflection and appreciation all angler should read several times. I loved every page.

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2022 Fish Wrap Memories II

Freeing RI’s Flat River

Deep in the brush, enveloped in protective poison ivy, slowing water, amassing mud, encouraging alders to set roots in a stream, a tired wall has prohibited trout passage for nearly one hundred years. Then, Trout Unlimited, RIDEM and Protect RI Brook Trout grabbed loppers and sledgehammers and tore that wall down. The improvement was immediate and frankly, really wonderful.

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Protecting RI Brook Trout

No Stocking Upper Wood River

The Rhode Island chapter of Trout Unlimited has made a bold move to protect native fishes and their essential habitat. RITU Chapter President,...

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How Do You Value Opening Day?

How Do You Value Opening Day? Is this day for fishing stocked ponds, stringers and bacon? Is it for an overdue hour on a rolling river with the hopes of possibly finding some wild brookies? Or is it a wash because you just want to fish for something? There is great value in everything so we ask, what do you value the most?

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Trees, Trout, Guides, Flies & Film

We're all about trees to help trout, guides to help fish and flies to help a film be absolutely killer. Not a bad winter Fish Wrap week. And you get to meet Peter Jenkins of The Saltwater Edge and the American Saltwater Guides Association.

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2021 Fish Wrap Review

Our 2021 Fish Wrap Review highlights several of the characters and events which made last year so remarkable. Now, cheers to 2022 and fish abundance, more opportunities to hunt, hike and love the outdoors. Sign up for our newsletter and as always, thanks for reading Fish Wrap.

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Big River Protects Brook Trout

Rhode Island's Trout Unlimited chapter has partnered with RIDEM, EA Engineering and other environmental agencies to investigate the Big River Management Area to see if it's dark, shrouded reaches might support populations of wild, native brook trout, the state's only native charr. Biologist Corey Pelletier electrofishing small winding streams and rivers to discover and catalog life, because, in a world of questions, answers all begin with data.

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