TU Wants Your Christmas Tree Trout Unlimited, a national cold water conservation organization with more than 300,000 members, would like to have your Christmas tree. That may seem an odd request but instead of tossing it onto a curb or over a stone wall or watching it...
Have you shared this with Neal Vitullo also a musician & fish boat capt and Mike Geary running for Rep district 38…Westerly Salt Water Fisherman Assoc ??? I’m sure they’d love to help. Neal plays at that Beachcomber place in Portsmouth I believe. Mike can be reached on FB…Michael Geary.
Thank you Rick, I wasn’t really involved with the fundraiser, other than arranging for a donation and writing the story (there’s one more coming this Friday) but I’d be more than happy to pass the info along. I’m friends with Michael Geary and have crossed paths with Neil since way, way back so I’ll reach out to both. Thanks for reading the story and for the suggestions.