Narragansett Gun Club’s Fall Charity Shoot

by | Sep 21, 2023 | Firearms, Fishing and Hunting Safety, skeet shooting

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Narragansett Gun Club’s Fall Charity Shoot is a perfect combination of sport, fun, and charity with just enough competition to keep everyone on their toes.

They are hosting their Sixth Annual All Around Fall Charity Shoot on Sunday, October 8, 2023. Come rain or come shine, members and friends will be on their trap, skeet, 5-stand and scatt courses, competing for prizes and bragging rights. The Club is all about fun, inclusiveness and charity so it’s a perfect Fall day to test your shooting skills.

They have four fields set up for trap and skeet. If you’re new to the sport, trap is a style of shooting where clay pigeons are launched from one house. With skeet, clays are launched from two houses on the sides of the course. 5-Stand is an exciting way to shoot on a course with five spots, or stands. Several machines send clays in a set pattern and while there are some basic rules to keep the game fair and everyone safe, members will certainly be happy to help you appreciate the sport. Another fun part is the combination of shots. Maybe you struggle with hitting pairs launched simultaneously but then, a rabbit clay (no, no rabbits are sent running, it’s all clays) and you fire off a shot without hesitation and nail it. That’s exciting stuff.

It’s hard to compare the shooting sports to other sports. You need to trust and understand your firearm. The foolishness of some people, on both sides of a firearm, have brought unwarranted negative attention to the sport. Days in the field with NGC members will remined you how safe and smart and fun the sport is for people of all backgrounds. This is an inclusive sport and club.

You need to listen carefully to experienced shooters so that your body doesn’t absorb any unnecessary impacts and once you settle in, a little weight forward, relaxed and ready, it’s thrilling to pull a trigger. The shooting sports are a traditional and man, the excitement never fades when lining up a target, knowing your form is true, exhaling slowly and squeezing your trigger finger. Each round is pure fun and once you have your feet under you, the challenge of new courses will be seductive because there really is no feeling like that which comes with finally hitting your first clay pigeon.

What you will find in Exeter is a welcoming group which encourages sportsmen and women of all skill levels. That’s precisely what you need when juggling whether to get in line with a bunch of ace shooters when you’re still learning the ropes or deciding what shooting styles you like or don’t. Participation and practice, they make shooters better and more confident.

On the fence? Read this note from Jessica DeMartino, Exeter’s Director of Social Services. “In the past year, funds raised from this event were able to assist residents with school supplies, restocking our diaper and baby pantry, Thanksgiving and Christmas Giving programs, food assistance programs in conjunction with local farms, as well as more individual support such as supporting a family of 3 facing homelessness, a single mom facing health issues, and clothing for a family in desperate need.” That’s powerful stuff, especially in times of regulatory pressure on honest owners of firearms because of some bad actors. In the eyes of a sportsman or woman, a safe firearm is no different than a fly or surf rod because owners respect them and use them wisely. NGC Director Barbara Ken said, “We, as a club, understand how important it is to give back to our community and know that we are all here to help each other in times of need. It’s not a handout but a hand up.” Amen.

Narragansett Gun Club’s Fall Charity Shoot is a win for shooters and those in need

This Sixth Annual All Around Fall Charity Shoot is open the NGC members and non-members alike so it just might be your best introduction to a new sport, a chance to compete against your peers, a chance to shine and win a prize or maybe spend a few hours remembering how important our traditional sports are, even in a mixed media atmosphere, and how charity is always so appreciated. The price of admission includes clays and a hot lunch with drinks. The club does not sell ammo so stock up before you head to Exeter. Registration is $65.00 if you pay in advance or $75.00 on the day of the shoot. The Narragansett Gun Club is located at 541 Austin Farm Road in Exeter, RI. Contact them at 914-572-1463 or email for more information and please register before September 30.

1 Comment

  1. Eddy Stahowiak

    they need a new logo


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