Narragansett Surfcaster’s Surf Day and Peter Jenkins’ Stock The Box Fly Tying Expo help us prepare for stripers, albies & full tackle boxes. Both fight off winter blues and build a sense of community with anglers new and experienced, young and old.
Click to view my 2023 Holiday Gear and Gift Guide as I preview some items an angler in your life would love to receive this holiday season. A variety of cool items you don’t want to miss.
ORU Kayaks, ready to be unfolded and loved wherever you go, are feng shui for water. Check out our ORU’s Beach LT Sport Kayak test paddle, the easy assembly and maybe just love them like we do. ORU kayaks are so smart and easy to use and when the day’s over, they fit in a trunk or under a workbench.
Jarad Luchka is an ace guide, total gentleman and a totally focused hunter who loves putting sports on ducks. If you want the best waterfowl experience, read all about him here then book a day in his boat. It’s worth every dollar and laugh.