The Clean Power Plan & a call for help

by | Apr 1, 2017 | Fishery Policy & Rules

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From the Massachusetts Audubon’s Action Network:

Support the Clean Power Plan

On Tuesday, President Trump signed an Executive Order that essentially cripples the Clean Power Plan (CPP), which set standards for reducing US greenhouse gas emissions. The CPP would have closed hundreds of emissions-heavy, coal-fired power plants and frozen construction of new plants, instead supporting cleaner and lower-polluting renewable energy sources.

The president claims that his environmental interests lie in ensuring “clean air” and “crystal clean water” for the US. Increasing our coal production and the pollution that comes with it is in absolute opposition to that goal.

Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey has spoken out against the decision, saying her office will oppose the president’s latest action in court. Mass Audubon will stand with her.

You can add your support too.

Please call Attorney General Healey’s office at 617-727-2200 and say:
I support the Attorney General’s pledge to oppose President Trump’s actions against the Clean Power Plan in court. Thank you for your leadership and commitment to environmental protection.

Read more about Mass Audubon’s advocacy efforts on our Political Landscapes blog.

1 Comment

  1. Bill Eccleston

    From reader Bill Eccleston: Fisherman and hunters, you can support clean power and preserve the state and local land-use regulations that have preserved Rhode Island’s “borderlands” forest for wildlife and our recreation by opposing the Clear River Energy Center, the 1,000 megawatt power plant to be sited right on the northeast border of the George Washington Management Area-Pulaski State Park in Burrillivlle, which is contiguous with the Durfee Hill Management Area and just spitting distance from the Buck Hill Management Area. We have never, ever sited a major industrial project on the border of a state forest, park or beach. This project is an attempted end-run around a generation’s worth of local and state land-use planning. Write the Energy Facilities Siting Board, C/O the Public Utilities Commission; write the Governor; and get your rod &and gun club involved.


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