The ASMFC Summer Flounder Management Board has denied Rhode Island’s request to have different regulations than was mandated for coastal states. RI proposed a conservation equivalency measure of 6 fish at 19 inches and cutting off 19 days of our season.
This request was denied. This means RI has to go along with the Addendum rules of FOUR fish at 19 inches with a May 1 to December 31 season.
According to Jason McNamee, Chief of the RIDEM Marine Fisheries Division, RI will appeal this decision.
Dave Henault and Rene Letourneau with a nice bsb
There will be a fall closure, but it will allow an earlier opening. Last year fluke anglers were catching black sea bass, but having to throw keepers away because the season wasn’t open. So, for 2017:
15 inch minimum size
May 25 to Aug 31 – 3 fish/day Sept 1 to Sept 21 – 7 fish/day Sept 22 – Oct 21 – closed Oct 22 to Dec 31 – 7 fish/day
All of the Rhode Island Recreational Fishing Regulations can be found on the RISAA web site at
Thank you to RISAA for all your hard work, passion and outreach.
TU Wants Your Christmas Tree Trout Unlimited, a national cold water conservation organization with more than 300,000 members, would like to have your Christmas tree. That may seem an odd request but instead of tossing it onto a curb or over a stone wall or watching it...
Narragansett Surfcaster’s Surf Day and Peter Jenkins’ Stock The Box Fly Tying Expo help us prepare for stripers, albies & full tackle boxes. Both fight off winter blues and build a sense of community with anglers new and experienced, young and old.
Fishing from a kayak in cold waters can be fun and safe with a few precautions and the right gear. Here are 7 tips for kayak safety with hopes you get to fish far later and safer into the winter months.