Search Results For: Black Sea Bass Fishing

Fishing Fireworks All Around

With waters warming, fishing improves each day on salt and fresh waters. This week, we celebrate a nation that was always great and a few anglers who hit it big, catching and releasing.

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Women Who Choose to Lead

Celebrating at URI's Mosby House, I learned the joy of being with women who choose to lead on the day our courts erased their right to choose. Some days it feels like our country is burning but some other days, we are blessed by the company of people who simply amaze us.

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Jerry Garcia, vice of vices

Fish and Regs Are Back

Finally, a busy week here on the water. Regulations are being finalized, hatchery trout are circling for food and anglers are readying their...

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AnglerCatch To Run 2024 Tog Classic

Vespe Takes RISAA’s Helm

Greg Vespe, experienced fisherman, talented boat handler, patient teacher and solid human, will lead the RI Saltwater Anglers Association as its new President. His skills on the water and background participating in the fisheries management process make Mr. Vespe the perfect choice to represent some 7500 members and affiliated groups.

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No Going Around the Block

These are good days to be on the water. We have boat loads of options, locations and friends looking to share gas bills to find stripers, bluefish and mighty tuna. You just might want to be careful where you dip your toes around Narragansett as white and thresher sharks are patrolling in close. Really close.

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Block Island Fishing, Fresh & Salt

Block Island is hosting a saltwater fishing tournament while islanders are quietly catching and releasing some seriously big largemouth bass. There is plenty of strong fishing in and around the island if you have patience and know how to play by the rules.

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Fish Fat, Flat & Weak

Fish Fat, Flat & Weak

Come on! It's time to find those flat, fat, weak and striped fish as summer takes hold and we go back to being normal, whatever that means for fishermen and women...And how avout those squeteague? They're back!

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