AnglerCatch To Run 2024 Tog Classic means a storied fish tournament gets a shot of technology to help tautog conservation in Rhode Island. And Ralph Craft will be the Tournament Director, so you know this will be a blast. Save the date, October13, 2024, for a big ole’ party.
Daniel Ritz has crated a timely report about fish, water and our climate. At the end, Tommorow’s Fish Need Help Today needs you to step up. Meet three anglers who are seeing changes in real time, telling everyone around them and asking for your help. Daniel Ritz has crated a timely report about fish, water and our climate. For Tomorrow’s Fish: Anglers Are Key to Climate-Ready Fisheries is a call to action with data, observations and an ask, for anglers to help turn the tide of climate change.
Narragansett Surfcaster’s Surf Day and Peter Jenkins’ Stock The Box Fly Tying Expo help us prepare for stripers, albies & full tackle boxes. Both fight off winter blues and build a sense of community with anglers new and experienced, young and old.
Albies are in bigtime, from the Avenue’s to the Ocean Mist to those fancy Newport cliffs. Now’s the time, before waters get churned up since they’re sight feeders. When Lee passes us by and waters settle, hopefully albies will peel away from offshore canyons and join us along the shoreline. This week, get your tips to catch them while you can!
End of the New England summer means RI ‘Tog, Bass and Sharks so we give you a look at all of them this week. And, a visit from Ralph Craft who invites you to his RI Tog tourney, John Dodd talks Atlantic White Sharks in Rhode Island and Australia and our friend Mike Woods talks about Back Country Hunters & Anglers helping assemble striped bass data.