No doubt a freezing, happy ride home with a new surf rod hanging out the window. Cheers Spring!
Well, we’re big fans of the Narragansett Surfcasters fishing club so here’s a little more notice of their Surf Day Used Tackle Sale on February 9, 2019
You can rent a table to sell off some gear or just walk the isles to pick out some new stuff on a very cool winter afternoon.
TU Wants Your Christmas Tree Trout Unlimited, a national cold water conservation organization with more than 300,000 members, would like to have your Christmas tree. That may seem an odd request but instead of tossing it onto a curb or over a stone wall or watching it...
Narragansett Surfcaster’s Surf Day and Peter Jenkins’ Stock The Box Fly Tying Expo help us prepare for stripers, albies & full tackle boxes. Both fight off winter blues and build a sense of community with anglers new and experienced, young and old.
Fishing from a kayak in cold waters can be fun and safe with a few precautions and the right gear. Here are 7 tips for kayak safety with hopes you get to fish far later and safer into the winter months.
How much to rent a table?
That’s a question for the Surfcasters, you can email Joe for details at and thanks very much for reading Fish Wrap.