RI’s Trout Unlimited chapter has announced a grant to restore connectivity to Arcadia’s Breakheart Pond as a legacy conservation project. Brook trout, turtles, eels have been denied safe passage for more than 90 years to cool waters and thermal refuge. This is a banner day for conservation and a clear example of Trout Unlimited’s mission to protect and preserve cold water fishes. Read the details right here.
Daniel Ritz has crated a timely report about fish, water and our climate. At the end, Tommorow’s Fish Need Help Today needs you to step up. Meet three anglers who are seeing changes in real time, telling everyone around them and asking for your help. Daniel Ritz has crated a timely report about fish, water and our climate. For Tomorrow’s Fish: Anglers Are Key to Climate-Ready Fisheries is a call to action with data, observations and an ask, for anglers to help turn the tide of climate change.
TU Wants Your Christmas Tree Trout Unlimited, a national cold water conservation organization with more than 300,000 members, would like to have your Christmas tree. That may seem an odd request but instead of tossing it onto a curb or over a stone wall or watching it...