You can learn a lot from 6″ of water

Always an outdoors column on the move, this week we go electroshocking catfish in Attleboro, Ma., find out how much you can learn by looking into a five gallon bucket and enjoy a quick discussion on Napoleon’s wallpaper. Seriously. It’s difficult to connect an...

Rhode Island’s Trout Stocked Waters

need to know where all the fish are for this year’s Opening Day? courtesy of RI DEM: Rhode Island Freshwater and Anadromous Fisheries Designated Trout Waters All designated trout waters are stocked prior to the opening day of trout season. Those areas that...

fly fishing explained then we meet warren winders & cheeky reels

Fly fishing specific shows offer a glimpse into this passive riverine alter-universe…Warren is a guy who I suspect could wade into a quiet piece of shallow water, find catch net and release a fine brook trout and not think to tell you about it that night…with 18 zippers and clippers for zingers for nippers and tippets…Spin fishermen tend to be the jeans and t-shirt crowd, often with very clever use of the word “hooker”…