Rivers mean everything to us so this week, we celebrate Spring’s rivers and riders. There’s a Trout Unlimited banquet, a new kayak lift on the Saugatucket River and sadly, we say goodbye to one of the best, Matt Wunsch. Matt was a fisherman, writer, family man, friend and all around good shit.
This month, we all lean a little west, looking for dark grey fins, small swirls, or flocks of black-tipped gulls tipping us off to striped bass movements east and north. Locals have their favorite spots so why not use their favorite lures? This month, go local for spring stripers with advice from the best local sources.
It’s Time To Ban Nips. End of sentence. Nips are those small, shiny booze bottles that are all the rage now and they keep ending up on the side of the road and in fish’s streams. They are unrecyclable, they are unnecessary and they need to go. Drop the nip.
After two years at sea and a million years miraculously returning to the very waters of thier birth, river herring arrived with a full moon. Now their challenge is to get to their natal waters through countless animal predators and decaying impediments which quite often force them to turn around and return to the sea without spawning. Read how you can help these mighty forage fishes.
We’re wrapping up a solid Fish Wrap 2021 with a two-week review of three large issues: COVID, coastal access and total characters. The first continues to dominate our news and lives, the second threatens our freedom to walk a beach and the latter is the heartbeat of...