Fish Wrap Reviews Tony Jones’ “The God of Wild Places”

Fish Wrap Reviews Tony Jones’ “The God of Wild Places”

Tony Jones’ The God of Wild Places brings you to woods or waters, where a baptism awaits or even a sighting of God waiting to embrace you. Mr. Jones offers us his journey, often not so different from ours, of a scrammbled life reborn in light shining through alder thickets and opportunistic aspen. Join Mr. Jones as he takes us through the realities of being perfectly human.

RITU Restoring Breakheart Pond Connectivity

RITU Restoring Breakheart Pond Connectivity

RI’s Trout Unlimited chapter has announced a grant to restore connectivity to Arcadia’s Breakheart Pond as a legacy conservation project. Brook trout, turtles, eels have been denied safe passage for more than 90 years to cool waters and thermal refuge. This is a banner day for conservation and a clear example of Trout Unlimited’s mission to protect and preserve cold water fishes. Read the details right here.