Search Results For: Literary Review
Fish Wrap Reviews Tony Jones' "The God of Wild Places"

Fish Wrap Reviews Tony Jones’ “The God of Wild Places”

Tony Jones' The God of Wild Places brings you to woods or waters, where a baptism awaits or even a sighting of God waiting to embrace you. Mr. Jones offers us his journey, often not so different from ours, of a scrammbled life reborn in light shining through alder thickets and opportunistic aspen. Join Mr. Jones as he takes us through the realities of being perfectly human.

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The Meditative Fisherman

The Meditative Fisherman

Bryan Archer's "The Meditative Fisherman" is a fine book of fishing, travel, reflection and appreciation all angler should read several times. I loved every page.

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Kings Of Their Own Ocean

Kings Of Their Own Ocean

Karen Pinchin has masterfully provided us with a history, current consideration and future hope for Atlantic bluefin tuna. with her new book, "Kings of Their Own Ocean." If you see fish as more than meat in a cooler and can see beyond your own bow to a future of respect for science and abundance in our generation, read her words for a careful, complete voyage alongside tuna as they migrate in ancient cycles through deep, warm corridors learned over millennia, fall to our nets and hooks and feed a world obsessed with their flesh.

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NY Times Bestselling Author

Fish Wrap Reviews “The Waters Between Us”

“The Waters Between Us” is a contemplative, remarkable view into years of turmoil and growth both personal and global, seasoned with laughter, friendships, brown trout, cheap sleeping bags and insufficient considerations for consequences.

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Warren Winders’ Wild River

"Wild River", Warren Winders' new collection of poetry and prose, shares how people, waters and fishes struggle, survive, pass and very often teach us how amazing our world really is.

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