We are declaring Friday, October 14, 2022 as Fish Wrap Fishing Friday. We’ve planned a fine Fall day for outdoorsmen and women who celebrate fishing, shooting sports, fresh air, good people, and some old-fashioned picnic table food that just might work its way into another day. You will have had a few days to recoup after dragging your backsides around since the classically good day of charity that was the RI Tog Classic. No one throws a party like Ralph Craft, even as he mingles his way into the background to let every one soak in any bright spotlights. Ralph’s work for the Three Angels Fund is peacefully magical. Life is short, although I believe it was George Carlin who said life is actually the longest thing we know about but nonetheless, you know, it seldom turns out the way it does in the song, as Robert Hunter wrote, so come on, let’s have a day.
Fish Wrap Fishing Friday is all about fun on water and land
Welcome sunrise on any water. Largemouth will be loving cool spots and bending vegetation. South County Ace Angler Bob Buscher advises, for still warmer zones, a Gande el Choppo or Whopper Plopper but where it’s cool, he wants a Thumper Spinnerbait with a single Colorado blade, preferably a Klondike Creations chartreuse and white 1/2 oz. or maybe a bit heavier.
Speaking of, Matt Thayer, ever the supportive gentleman, reaches for a gold spinnerbait with a gold 1/2oz Colorado blade. Then again, depending on the day, he might opt for a drop shot rig with Warwick’s own Bryan Mayo minnow. One good angler supports another for late-season fishing.
On a salt pond, Professor Steven Fletcher will school you if you fail to heed his advice to cast a white Albie Snax plastic secured to an old fashioned egg for albies and bass. It’s design is simple and true while catching stripers like nobody’s business. Steve has headed west for winter and redfish but the wise will run a foot of 20# fluorocarbon between the egg and bucktail and hold on for a October ride. Lawrence Thompson knows his silver and pink epoxy jig mimics a variety of species, most especially when migration is on the horizon and protein on the menu. With tog and sea bass open, jigs are brilliant for bottom action and for casting to blitzes of albies or stripers.
And you must know by now, Lawrence catches fish.
After cleaning up the boat, head to East Greenwich for the 2022 Fly Fishing Film Tour. Rhode Island’s Trout Unlimited chapter is hosting the state’s only showing. IF4™ consists of eight short and feature length films produced by professional filmmakers from all corners of the globe, showcasing the passion, lifestyle and culture of fly-fishing.
Trout Unlimted plays a large roll in conservation and fun adventures
Glenn Place, President of Rhode Island’s Trout Unlimited chapter has helped organize the deal, which costs just $20. If you’ve loved previous shows, you know there’s a fine balance of absolutely off the walls, unreal, are-you-kidding-me-I-could-never-cast-there segments with a smattering of clearly commercialized product placement. That’s fine, we all need to pay our bills. Those big doors open at 6:00pm, films start at 7:00pm, food and a cash bar will be available, tickets are $20.00, can be purchased at www.secure.etransfer.com/RICTU/FlyFishingFilmFest, kids under 14 are free, students with a school ID receive five free raffle tickets and Tom Rosenbauer books will be on sale.
All this happens at the Varnum Memorial Armory, an important treasure trove hidden in plain sight. Uniforms, badges, medals, swords, rifles, pistols, posters, pins, notes, sashes, every manner of embellishment, defense, propaganda, celebration or creation for someone’s immediate demise are on display. They even have a Thompson Contender. Yes, we are all moving to electric cars and rainbow flags but for many years, it was the red, white and blue which people defended to their last breath. So, while our present world spirals into a partisan oblivion, the Armory offers you space to look, appreciate, despise, marvel, consider and absorb at your own pace without criticism or question. Our local history is on display for you; afterwards you can rejoin the crew and watch a killer film about catching fish. Lots of fish.
Fish Wrap Fishing Friday is way too much fun to be just one day so on October 15 from 8:30am to 2:00 pm, the Narragansett Gun Club and Trout Unlimited Rhode Island Chapter 225 presents their 1st Annual Cast and Blast at the club, located at 541 Austin Farm Rd in Exeter. There will be five stand, skeet, trap, pistol and rifle option and a hot buffet lunch with free casting lessons, games, and contests throughout the day with members of RITU. This day is limited to forty people so sign up by October 1 by contacting TU225President@gmail.com.