Thanks For Your Patience
Thanks for your patience, Fish Wrap was on hiatus for a while but changes are in sight. Thanks for reading, I appreciate every one of you.
Thanks for your patience, Fish Wrap was on hiatus for a while but changes are in sight. Thanks for reading, I appreciate every one of you.
The biggest fishing show all year, the 2023 NE Saltwater Fishing Show has giant space packed with vendors, friends and companies you need to meet. It’s all here in Fish Wrap and we’re here to help you find the biggest, smallest, coolest and best fishing, boating and tackle companies in the country.
The 2022 RI Tog Classic was a success by the ever-grateful and not exaclty soft spoken Ralph Craft. A cast of hundreds from here to Florida came to fish for our bountiful tautog fishery, which we really need to protect and then, a young angler named Rosie stoll the show. The best wrap up is right here.
Team Heavy’s back to back threshers was an unreal adventure in a small boat twenty miles from shore. Greg has a keen eye for the best bottom, the right gear and most importantly, the right people to have on the boat. Read all about a giant thresher this week and then see how, with a little help from my mother in law, some are was added to the wall.
When Ralph Craft throws a party, everyone has fun and some charity wins big. The 2022 RI Tog Classic is on and you need to be there because the Three Angels Fund needs you to jig deep and dig deeper. Read all the details here then head over to and sign up. Ralph does a lot for a lot of people without fanfare so sign up, jig deep and dig deeper.