All In for Albies

All In for Albies

There are few more exciting and frustrating late summer and early fall adventure than fishing for false albacore. Anglers wait all year, some plan vacations around their return, which can never be assured or guaranteed. They need clear water, calm seas and acres of bait; you need patience and to be all in for albies.

Fall In Rhode Island Means Lizard Fish, Albies & Trout

Fall In Rhode Island Means Lizard Fish, Albies & Trout

Fall in Rhode Island means lizard fish, albies and trout on the move. Lizard fish are little but they’re all teeth and have been caught in Quonochontaug Pond and Narragansett Bay. They’re fast but a few fishermen are faster with epoxy jigs and shiny tins to land...
Fish are Hall around us this week

Fish are Hall around us this week

Total character Brain Hall find sailfish from his kayak, Aaron Flynn is on the largemouth, Alex Ridgway can find fish anywhere, and we mean anywhere, and then Steve Medeiros, the generous and patient President of the RI Saltwater Anglers Association passed away, quite unexpectedly. It’s a good week tempered with his loss but we’ll offer Steve a fine send off next week. So let’s find some fish….