Trees, Trout & Surf Day

Trees, Trout & Surf Day

Trees for Trout and Surf Day to celebrate a tough winter month Nature ensures January is hard. Her air is freezing, holidays have passed, daylight is fleeting and icy. Fish are deep and reluctant. But Hope is our motto and it springs eternal for anglers because we are...
2022 RI Tog Classic

2022 RI Tog Classic

The 2022 RI Tog Classic was a success by the ever-grateful and not exaclty soft spoken Ralph Craft. A cast of hundreds from here to Florida came to fish for our bountiful tautog fishery, which we really need to protect and then, a young angler named Rosie stoll the show. The best wrap up is right here.

Jig Deep, Dig Deeper

Jig Deep, Dig Deeper

When Ralph Craft throws a party, everyone has fun and some charity wins big. The 2022 RI Tog Classic is on and you need to be there because the Three Angels Fund needs you to jig deep and dig deeper. Read all the details here then head over to and sign up. Ralph does a lot for a lot of people without fanfare so sign up, jig deep and dig deeper.