Deep in the brush, enveloped in protective poison ivy, slowing water, amassing mud, encouraging alders to set roots in a stream, a tired wall has prohibited trout passage for nearly one hundred years. Then, Trout Unlimited, RIDEM and Protect RI Brook Trout grabbed loppers and sledgehammers and tore that wall down. The improvement was immediate and frankly, really wonderful.
Ecocycle Your Christmas Trees and Trout Will Benefit. That 2020 calendar belongs in a recycle bin and your Christmas tree belongs in a river. There’s not much to be done about what we all just went through but this year we’re starting off with a new hope. Since 2018,...
So it is, the end of another year and we’ve been so fortunate to report on people searching for and catching fish, people protecting resources and people who were just straight away characters. We started by meeting Mike Lee, proud new owner of Al’s Goldfish Lure...