RITU Restoring Breakheart Pond Connectivity

RITU Restoring Breakheart Pond Connectivity

RI’s Trout Unlimited chapter has announced a grant to restore connectivity to Arcadia’s Breakheart Pond as a legacy conservation project. Brook trout, turtles, eels have been denied safe passage for more than 90 years to cool waters and thermal refuge. This is a banner day for conservation and a clear example of Trout Unlimited’s mission to protect and preserve cold water fishes. Read the details right here.

Freeing RI’s Flat River

Freeing RI’s Flat River

Deep in the brush, enveloped in protective poison ivy, slowing water, amassing mud, encouraging alders to set roots in a stream, a tired wall has prohibited trout passage for nearly one hundred years. Then, Trout Unlimited, RIDEM and Protect RI Brook Trout grabbed loppers and sledgehammers and tore that wall down. The improvement was immediate and frankly, really wonderful.