Rosie and Dominic lead us down beaches, into kayaks and across fly tying tables. This week we celebrate young anglers and all they offer us. Somedays it feels like the world is burning so, let us introduce you to two remarkable young people who catch, laugh and share. We could all use a shot of their joy.
This month, we all lean a little west, looking for dark grey fins, small swirls, or flocks of black-tipped gulls tipping us off to striped bass movements east and north. Locals have their favorite spots so why not use their favorite lures? This month, go local for spring stripers with advice from the best local sources.
This week, the Brewer Brothers are in the grips of a sudden gale and will need all their skills and teachings to get home alive as they face hard seas and tough decisions on the salt pond. Part I of the story was issued last week. The full story is also available for download. Link inside.
The Brewer Brothers Part I is the first of two excerpts from my new short story. All the makings of an epic adventure force two young brothers to think and act like men to survive a battle against Nature. The whole story will be available as a download as well and as always, thanks for reading.
Some nights, fishing in a salt pond, I am amazed by the magic all around and occasionally catching some fish. Some Salt Pond Nights is all about being free, quiet, enlightened and fortunate in a busy world.