RI ‘Tog, Bass and Sharks

RI ‘Tog, Bass and Sharks

End of the New England summer means RI ‘Tog, Bass and Sharks so we give you a look at all of them this week. And, a visit from Ralph Craft who invites you to his RI Tog tourney, John Dodd talks Atlantic White Sharks in Rhode Island and Australia and our friend Mike Woods talks about Back Country Hunters & Anglers helping assemble striped bass data.

Kings Of Their Own Ocean

Kings Of Their Own Ocean

Karen Pinchin has masterfully provided us with a history, current consideration and future hope for Atlantic bluefin tuna. with her new book, “Kings of Their Own Ocean.” If you see fish as more than meat in a cooler and can see beyond your own bow to a future of respect for science and abundance in our generation, read her words for a careful, complete voyage alongside tuna as they migrate in ancient cycles through deep, warm corridors learned over millennia, fall to our nets and hooks and feed a world obsessed with their flesh.