Rivers once ran silver with shad, herring, sturgeon and stripers; now there are calls to rebuild rivers and populations for the abundance our ancestors enjoyed and took for granted. This week, learn how we can turn the tide to support forage fishes and native brook trout.
The Rhode Island legislature is considering a slate of ill-conceived firearms bills which together, suffer from zero perspective or understanding of those who legally own and enjoy firearms. The ramifications are sweeping; several appear clearly invasive, others are reactions to unfortunately common events involving firearms.
The RI Legislature is reconsidering banning some types of confined hunts where Chronic Wasting Disease may be introduced to local cervid populations like White-tailed deer. The Backcountry Hunters and Anglers support the bill as a way to keep CWD out of Rhode Island.
Now is the time to renew your outdoor hunting and fishing licenses. Saltwater fishing licenses expired in December, freshwater licenses and stamps will expire soon. In this article I explain all the details and what you need to do to be ready to fish or hunt the 2021 season.
The R.I. Department of Environmental Management is proposing to incrementally increase fishing and hunting licenses and tag fees over the next eight years. These increases are listed in Article 7 as part of House Bill 7171, Relating to the Environment. Before anyone...