The Fish Wrap Writer Blog
For more than 20 years, we have been learning from and writing about outdoorsmen and women who fish, hunt, hike, pause, and sometimes just look around. Fish Wrap has been published over 480 times. Here you will find articles, interviews, reports, laughs, a few stretched truths (that’s true), and an unfortunate number of obituaries from good folks we have lost.
Please search, enjoy, and let me know if you know someone who we should meet.
Hydrilla Invades Indian Lake
Hydrilla Invades Indian Lake is terrible news so we have information to help you identify Hydrilla and prevent its movement to other waters.
7 Late-Season Kayak Fishing Tips
Fishing from a kayak in cold waters can be fun and safe with a few precautions and the right gear. Here are 7 tips for kayak safety with hopes you get to fish far later and safer into the winter months.
Narragansett Gun Club’s Fall Charity Shoot
Narragansett Gun Club’s Fall Charity Shoot is an inclusive event, for all people, to show of their skills and teach others how to improve theirs. This is a day, steeped in charity, that should not be missed, pun intended...
Albies Are In Bigtime
Albies are in bigtime, from the Avenue's to the Ocean Mist to those fancy Newport cliffs. Now's the time, before waters get churned up since they're sight feeders. When Lee passes us by and waters settle, hopefully albies will peel away from offshore canyons and join us along the shoreline. This week, get your tips to catch them while you can!
Female Fly Fishers And The Flat River
Female Fly Fishers And The Flat River is a celebration of increasing female participation in fishing and the return of a lovely RI river, freed from her stone confines. Trout Unlimited is all over us this week and I'm glad to have them.
RI ‘Tog, Bass and Sharks
End of the New England summer means RI ‘Tog, Bass and Sharks so we give you a look at all of them this week. And, a visit from Ralph Craft who invites you to his RI Tog tourney, John Dodd talks Atlantic White Sharks in Rhode Island and Australia and our friend Mike Woods talks about Back Country Hunters & Anglers helping assemble striped bass data.
Redington’s New Wrangler Fly Rods
Redington’s new Wrangler Fly Rods are well-designed, easy to cast, built with an eye for quality and ready to fish right out of the tube. We fished the Bass model in northern Maine and it quickly proved itself to be strong, easy to cast and worth every dime of its fair price.
The Meditative Fisherman
Bryan Archer's "The Meditative Fisherman" is a fine book of fishing, travel, reflection and appreciation all angler should read several times. I loved every page.
Fish Wrap And Fish Nerds
This week, we announce our new partnership with the Fish Nerds Podcast, at least for a while and recap another successful BI Inshore Fishing Tourney around a wind farm. Summer in Rhode Island is in full effect.
Maine Camps and Guides
We are a terribly divided country just now and some will quickly argue about how much so. This is a fine time to seek out and enjoy some Maine camps and guides. Both can transport us to a slower time and remind us we are a strong country, built on skills and l labors and abilities to listen to others.
Kings Of Their Own Ocean
Karen Pinchin has masterfully provided us with a history, current consideration and future hope for Atlantic bluefin tuna. with her new book, "Kings of Their Own Ocean." If you see fish as more than meat in a cooler and can see beyond your own bow to a future of respect for science and abundance in our generation, read her words for a careful, complete voyage alongside tuna as they migrate in ancient cycles through deep, warm corridors learned over millennia, fall to our nets and hooks and feed a world obsessed with their flesh.
Charlie Lepre’s Last Run To First Rock
Charlie Lepre, The Wolf, has passed and left us with heavy hearts and happy memories. From First Rock to Block Island, he was a classic fisherman who never tired of casting through the night then working all day. So long Charlie, you will be missed.
Finally, A Line In The Sand
Shoreline Access Advocates Finally Have A Line In The Sand To celebrate a new place to cast, walk, gather seaweed, or actually, just to go to the beach, the RI Legislature has passed a shoreline access bill into law. Finally, a line in the sand. Governor Dan McKee...
BI Inshore Fishing Tournament Returns
The 2023 BI Inshore Fishing Tournament returns with great sponsors, high value prizes and expectations for amazing fishing around the island. Entry money goes to the BI Fire Department and Rescue services, there's a big party afterwards and loads of prizes, which will include bragging rights. What's not to like?
2023 Summer Fishing Gear Guide
Todd Corayer provides his 2023 summer fishing gear guide, with plenty of gear to make your fishing season in Rhode Island that much better. Click to view this summer's gear guide.
Trout Unlimited’s Rendezvous for Clean Water and Lager
Trout Unlimited met in Stamford to talk cleans waters, good people and good beer along the Mill River. Conservation is good conversation. This week, learn what they teach, share and fight for and how you can be part of 300,000 people who support cold, clean water. With 420 local chapters contributing 730,000 volunteer hours, you just might find a place to help and fish with those good people.
No Slumps, Only Time
We can try and drive away slump or skunks, but life always seems to catch up with us and play some Bob Marley tunes while we lament a loss. This week, we say goodbye to Dick Laffey, a Maine gentleman and do away with slumps so that we can focus on how good our lives really are, no matter where we are.
Bluefish, Terrapins, Turbines, Trouble
Bluefish, Terrapins, Turbines, Trouble means this week we learn how to spy turtles, understand bluefish and get a grip on acres of windfarms. We cover a lot of ground and water in Fish Wrap. Please subscribe so you don't miss a beat.
Author Steven Hawley’s “Cracked”
Steven Hawley's "Cracked The Future of Dams In A Hot, Chaotic World" chronicles our dam building history and how it's time to free our rivers. Every page is a gift if you care about wild waters, trickling tributaries or appreciating nature left in peace.
Big Trash, Smaller Slots
Big Trash, Smaller Slots means we spent hours picking up people's trash while the ASGA kicked striper regs in the pants to ensure abundance. Read all about how Trout Unlimited kindles the fire of conservation while anglers forced the ASMFC hand to take a major leap forward. That's a major Fish Wrap week. Sign up for our newsletter and never miss a word of fish coverage.